Teething is usually a very painful experience for babies. Babies as early as 3 months old or as late as 12 months old can cut their first tooth. The average age is 6 months old for the first appearanc ...
It is often difficult when your teen rejects your attempts to offer guidance or initiate conversations - especially if you don't understand the reason they are rejecting your. Most parents are willing ...
The second trimester of pregnancy tends to be quite different than the first trimester for many women. Many of symptoms that may have plagued you in the last few months should soon start fading and yo ...
Bullying is on the forefront of media recently and with just cause. Bullying is some schools is rampant. While some people still believe that bullying is just a part of growing up, more and more peopl ...
There's a lot of simple household tasks which may not occupy a large amount of our mind. When it comes to laundry, all most people want is for it to be over. Taking a little bit of time and thought ca ...
Swaddling has become a recent topic of controversy. Swaddling involves wrapping your baby in a blanket so snugly that is restricts movement. Swaddling has been around for thousands and thousands of ye ...
Most people have thought about their inevitable death. They've also considered the potential of becoming brain-dead, finding themselves in need of major organ transplants, or otherwise becoming seriou ...
A toddler's temperament can be similar to his or her eating habits - it can change instantly and can be exasperating for parents. Toddlers can become very picky eaters, making it incredibly difficult ...