There is so much going on in your body (and your life!) as your baby begins developing! It is such an exciting time as you start your journey through pregnancy. There are quite a few symptoms you may face that you may not be expecting but always remember that these discomforts are temporary and are all part of the fantastic experience of growing a baby!
What can you expect during the first trimester? Your body is starting to undergo major changes from the moment of conception.
Typically you won't look pregnant in your first trimester but your body will certainly feel pregnant. Here are some of the changes you can expect during the first trimester:
Changes to your body. By about 5 weeks into your pregnancy, you may have morning sickness. Unfortunately this malaise does not strike just in the morning but can happen at any time of the day - or night. If you feel that the morning sickness is unbearable or is interfering with your everyday life, talk to your doctor. There is a new drug that has been approved by the FDA that can treat nausea and vomiting in pregnancy. Around the sixth week, your breasts may change dramatically. It is normal for them to become very tender and tingly as well as increase significantly in size. Expect to have some pregnancy mood swings in the seventh week. These dramatic swings could have you feeling fine one moment and then down in the dumps the next; only to swing back up to a high just a few moments later. Don't fret - these mood swings are common.
During week eight through to week twelve, there can be plenty of other possible pregnancy symptoms. Some common ones are headaches, food aversions and a metallic taste in your mouth. Remember that pregnancy symptoms vary significantly between women so don't worry if you don't experience something that your friend said she had. Pregnancy symptoms not only vary between women but also between pregnancies. In your first pregnancy, you may have had spotting but in your subsequent one, you may not experience any spotting. Regardless of what symptoms you have, keep in mind that they will disappear or lessen as you get further along in your pregnancy.
Development of your baby. As with each trimester, your baby undergoes incredible development in the first trimester. Your baby will start as a zygote (a single fertilized cell) to an embryo that will implant itself in your uterine wall. Throughout the first trimester, this embryo will grow to the size of a peach, with growing body systems and limbs. In this trimester organs begin to take shape, nail beds and hair follicles form and the baby will start to move (although you probably won't be able to feel it yet). Additional milestones in the first trimester include the production of your baby's white blood cells to fight off any germs, the development of the baby's vocal cords, as well as the formation of the muscles. What a busy time!
Healthcare. Your first physician appointment will occur in the first trimester. Your doctor will want to spend time going through your medical history and will perform a physical exam. It is a good idea to bring a list of questions with you that you would like your doctor to answer. Often you will undergo a series of tests, including an urinalysis, a Pap smear, and blood work. The blood work will include a determination of your blood type (and Rh status), detection of any infections and test the levels of hCG. During the first trimester, there is also typically a routine ultrasound and a screening to check for any chromosomal abnormalities. Most of all, expect to enjoy your first few months of pregnancy!